I’ve already talked about this on Inaka’s blog but I thought the list of Erlang battle-stories I’m building here won’t be complete without the story of incomprehensible list comprehensions.


That is obviously good when it can be done although there are cases when the list must still be created even if it not wanted, for example if the list comprehension is the last thing done in a function so its value must be returned. There is one strange thing further up in the text: "Lists comprehensions still have a reputation for being slow. . They used to be implemented using funs, which

Previous message (by thread): [erlang-questions] Parallel List Comprehension Next message (by thread): [erlang-questions] Inets is alive and kicking ;) Messages sorted by: If so, does it imply that using a list comprehension on a semantically unordered set of elements will involve a useless reversal (like lists:reverse/1) of the resulting list? Thanks in advance for any answer, Best regards, Olivier Boudeville.-----Olivier Boudeville Example. List comprehensions are a syntactic construct to create a list based on existing lists. In erlang a list comprehension has the form [Expr || Qualifier1,, QualifierN]. Where qualifiers are either generators Pattern <- ListExpr or filter like integer(X) evaluating to either true or false.. The following example shows a list comprehension with one generator and two filters. Erlang: Get the first element of each tuple in a list, Use List Comprehension with a generator(<-) X = [{1,2,3},{3,4,5}].

Erlang list comprehension

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Do you remember the lists:map/2 and lists:filter/2 functions from the previous post? If not, consult the Lists & lists Module post. lists:map(Function, List) returns a new list that results from List after applying the Function to each element.lists:filter(Predicate, List) returns a list that contains only the elements of List for which the call to Predicate returns true. That is obviously good when it can be done although there are cases when the list must still be created even if it not wanted, for example if the list comprehension is the last thing done in a function so its value must be returned. There is one strange thing further up in the text: "Lists comprehensions still have a reputation for being slow. . They used to be implemented using funs, which you will create a new list which is copy of the elements in List1, followed by List2.Looking at how lists:append/1 or ++ would be implemented in plain Erlang, it can be seen clearly that the first list … 2021-02-05 Erlang lists.

They used to be implemented using funs, which you will create a new list which is copy of the elements in List1, followed by List2.Looking at how lists:append/1 or ++ would be implemented in plain Erlang, it can be seen clearly that the first list … 2021-02-05 Erlang lists.

Unlike many languages, Erlang treats higher-order functions as a native and natural part of the language rather than an oddity. List comprehensions apply them 

• Moduler. • Datatyper i (Eng: list comprehension). • Finns även i Python, Erlang, fler?


Erlang list comprehension

3.6 Variable Bindings in List Comprehensions. The scope rules for variables which occur in list comprehensions are as follows: all variables which occur in a generator pattern are assumed to be "fresh" variables The list of X such that X is taken from the list [1,2,a,] and X is greater than 3. The notation X <- [1,2,a,] is a generator and the expression X > 3 is a filter.

• Matteinspirerat: Mängdnotation. Haskell-listor. Listomfattning.
Stunt workshops

Erlang -- List Comprehensions, 3.5 Simplifications With List Comprehensions.

Erlang (Revision :1.5) 14. 15 SekvProg: List comprehension qs([]) -> []; qs([pivot L]) -> qs([x X <- L,  storage['mylist'] = list storage('mystring'] = "Hello world!
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Erlang has single-assignment variables; if you try to assign a different 15 % List comprehensions are expressions that create lists without having to use % funs 

Do you remember the lists:map/2 and lists:filter/2 functions from the previous post? If not, consult the Lists & lists Module post. lists:map(Function, List) returns a new list that results from List after applying the Function to each element.lists:filter(Predicate, List) returns a list that contains only the elements of List for which the call to Predicate returns true. That is obviously good when it can be done although there are cases when the list must still be created even if it not wanted, for example if the list comprehension is the last thing done in a function so its value must be returned.